The Seven Motivators

Yesterday I submitted an article, written by request, for publication in the October 2019 issue of the Pentecostal Life magazine. The article discusses the seven motivational gifts of Romans 12: prophecy, teaching, leading, giving, exhorting, showing mercy, and ministry [serving].

As in his teaching on the nine spiritual gifts in I Corinthians 12, Paul used the analogy of the human body to explain the gifts’ interrelationships. If you have been born again, you are a member of Christ’s body and are, by definition, spiritually gifted to fulfill your role in the body of Christ.

The question is not whether you have a gift. The question is what is your gift and how will you use it. When you identify and and work in the area of your giftedness, it leads to a sense of fulfillment and to success in your efforts. Attempts to work outside the area of your giftedness tends to result in frustration and burnout.[archive]