Celebrating Our Ninth Anniversary!

Yesterday Susan and I celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary. On June 13, 2013, God answered my prayer and informed me that Susan Fuller was the person I could invite to go with me to the Ambassadors of Harmony concert who would accept my invitation and enjoy the event. The concert was scheduled for Saturday evening, June 15, 2013.

Not only did we both enjoy the music, but when I asked her nine days later, “Will you marry me,” she answered, “Yes, I will!” One of our friends who was also at the concert, P. D. Buford, predicted we would marry before the General Conference of the United Pentecostal Church International that Fall.

He was right!

Our story has been published in the Pentecostal Herald, now known as Pentecostal Life, in a book by Norma Clanton titled Letters from Friends, which consists of stories of the loss of spouses and later expanded with an introduction by Scott Graham as A Light in Darkness: Stories of Grief and Loss. This edition of the book includes accounts not only of the loss of spouses but also parents and children.

The story of our marriage has also been published in the St. Louis Post Dispatch. Therefore, I will not tell it again here.

In celebration, we spent the evening at the Seven Gables Inn, located in Clayton, Missouri, a historic hotel built in 1926 and restored in 2020.

Today is the first day of our tenth year of marriage, and on October 3 we will be on our way to our next general conference!

Susan struggles a bit to get the ring on Daniel’s finger!


God Chose a Day of Rest

I am scheduled to teach the Adult Bible Class at The Sanctuary UPC, located in Hazelwood, Missouri, this next Sunday, September 18, 2022. Mitchell Bland is our pastor. The class will begin at 10 A.M. and continue until 10:45 A.M. Throughout all classes, we follow the curriculum God’s Word for Life, published by the Pentecostal Publishing House.

Next Sunday’s lesson is included in Series 1: The God of Deliverance, and its focus is on the Ten Commandments.

We will not, of course, be able to discuss all ten commandments thoroughly during our forty-five minutes, and that is why I have posted the article below. I wrote this article, “God Chose a Day of Rest: The Principle of the Sabbath,” and it was published in the January 2018 issue of “Pentecostal Life.” All of the ten commandments are important, but I plan to focus on the prophetic significance of the fourth commandment.

How did the fourth commandment anticipate the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ? The answer to that question is the essence of this article.


“The New Birth,” Second Session, Purpose Institute

Daniel Segraves, Ph.D.

I am in the process of teaching the course on The New Birth for Purpose Institute. The second session will meet this coming Saturday, September 10, 2022 on the campus of New Life Church in Cabot, Arkansas. It will also be available on Zoom.

The session begins at 10:40 A.M. and concludes at 1:10 P.M. After this Saturday, the class will meet twice more on October 15 and November 5 with the same schedule. I will teach on Zoom, and Larry Gimnich, Associate Pastor of New Life Church, will host the on-campus presence of Purpose Institute. He can be reached by email at lgimnich@newlife.com.

I have taught courses for Purpose Institute for quite a few years, including The New Birth, and I look forward to the opportunity to present material I have not offered before.[archive]