Finally, the thesis.

On July 18, 2022, my post was titled “My Journey from Theory to Thesis.” It was the story of my development of a theory concerning the identity of “that which is perfect” (I Corinthians 13:10). If you have not read that post, I encourage you to do so before reading further in this one.

My original plan was to share my M.A. in Exegetical Theology thesis online in short sections, but I have changed my mind. Instead, I will post the approval page here, followed by the full thesis.

The thesis, titled “That Which is Perfect (I Corinthians 13:10): A Non-Eschatological Approach,” is a seventy-nine page document I wrote as my final project in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Exegetical Theology after three and one-half years of study at Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, now known as Western Seminary (Portland, Oregon). The degree was granted on June 26, 1993.

At the request of M. James Sawyer, Ph.D., one of the faculty members who read and approved the thesis, I presented a forty-nine page condensed version of the thesis at the West Coast meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Here is the approval page:

And here is the thesis:

If you would like to purchase a hard copy of this thesis, you may do so at [archive]